Trainers Intentions Systems Successful Today

Trainers Intentions Systems provides you with winners. The Highest Average Today page highlighted this horse as one to note from first thing today, Blame It On Sally.

Blame It On Sally wins the 20:25 Kempton at 3.75 (11/4) the horse was at the top of the list today in the Highest Average page. A very generous price if you had the information available to you on Trainer Intentions.

The Highest Average page enable you to see at a glance the number of entries a horse has had in the last seven days and it’s maximum number of entries in the last 365 days. Easily sorted and filtered to allow you to gain insight and an edge to a Trainers Intentions.

Easily identify horses that are the only horses being sent to the track today by the Trainer. Jockeys making one trip to a track are also easily filtered to identify possible edges. All this information is available on the Detailed Card on Trainers Intentions.